im not sure about that..for cooldown u need WPE..but backward shot could be a variable...e.g. 1 for ready to kill....0 for target out of sight in the ram..
but im not sure..i tried it with human race and i cant find this variable..i just found some read only adresses..and that is senseless...
thats just my not a prof. hacker or something like that.
No skill cooldown hack 07/04/2010 - Last Chaos - 2 Replies Hi Leute ich habe keine Lust so viel Gold für Casting Rüssis auzugeben, also hätte ich mal ne Frage. Kann man per Hack oder Sonstiges die Skill cooldown Zeit verändern, oder sogar ganz entfernen?? Wenn ja würde ich mich sehr über einige Infos freuen Danke :handsdown:
Cabal Helix Combo / Speed / No Skill Cooldown hack / honor pts hack using C.E 05/30/2010 - Cabal Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits & Macros - 196 Replies This is for the new cabal helix this is compose of speed , skill no CD and combo stay at lvl 1 bar
For Speed just change it value to what u want 380 is normal
For Skill NO CD = change value to 1
To atk through walls = change value to 1
Do not Change the Trigger address.
1. DL this cheattable.CT its a cheat table from evandon post i just remove some address and retain the ones that i usually use.
2. Open CE 5.4 then open the cheat table attach it to system.dll.
3. Look for Level in the...
skill hack no cooldown 10/11/2009 - Dekaron - 6 Replies how can i make no cooldown in cf? after 4-5 cf's i have cool down and i saw some1 who doesnt has cool down.
here see:
No skill cooldown hack 04/18/2009 - Cabal Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits & Macros - 2 Replies Is there such a hack? If there is, can it be used when we are using TwinR?
looking for skill hack ( no cooldown) 11/25/2008 - Dekaron - 3 Replies Hey i was woundering if there was a TUT somewhere for no cool down hack. Or a skill hack to make me use skills repeatedly. I saw the TUT on speed hack but ive been told that is only for runing, and not using skills. anyways hope to get some feedback