Selling 05/21/2010 - 9Dragons Trading - 3 Replies Ok here is my first topic so i wana sell follows
Cs Wu_tang warrior
Cs Shaolin Nuker
Fc HD Hyb(4slotd wep)
For inGAME money only
PM me for screens and others info's
cheers :handsdown:
Selling Selling BP (lvl.85) & Blade (lvl.87) 04/24/2010 - Flyff Trading - 5 Replies Hey I am selling accounts on server Aibatt.
Lvl. 87 Blade
Lvl. 85 BP
Please send me ur offer (in $ - Dollars) on my E-Mail: [email protected]
Selling 10/04/2009 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies Selling 148 Summy, with 2 costumes 4 invents, crit ring, duron pole, str darkeye, decent gear. I want Dil or hunter gear plz.
selling lvl 100 rs acc << look 05/01/2008 - Runescape Trading - 2 Replies account is not for sale YET. im still thinking about it but i just want to see how much i can get for it. i only take trades for STEAM, Endless online. and paypal. PM or post here
heres the setup, ill take pictures on request.
account: piegan man
combat level: 100 (97 non members)
items, about 850k cash and 500k items give or take 1/200k oh and 7/10 crystal bow
Selling 09/27/2007 - MapleStory Trading - 13 Replies Selling: Maplestory Accs
LvL 53 Assasin
^--Comes with LvL 48 Ice/Lightning mage
LvL: 80 Fire/Posion Mage
Fully equiped and May also come with 10mil messos.
All accounts shown above are fully equipped and ready to play. Real good accounts,
No hacks were used and legit 100% and took time and dedication towards their
current level. The lvl 80 account has some Cash NX items which might be useful.
I am also a trader from GGForums and have a Good rep in counting trades and