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Warhammer Privat server aber hilfe? ->

Discussion on Warhammer Privat server aber hilfe? -> within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Exclamation Warhammer Privat server aber hilfe? ->

hi leute. brauch dringend hilfe hab nen kleines problem mit dem sniffer ich brauch die adress.txt aus der globalen warhammer 1.4.1 build 562 es geht mit cheat engine aber wie wer das schafft darf bei meiner server mitspielen
so da ist die alte SNIFFER adress.txt

/ / Address RC4 --> how to find?
/ / Address size --> how to find?
/ / Opcode Address --> how to find?
/ / Address Packet --> how to find?
/ / Max number of difference to the added packet: if there are more than 8 differences in the packet is a new (changeable)
/ / Decode type
/ / 0 = Packet over several online
/ / 1 = Packet on one line

ich brauch jetz die neue bitte hilft mir

good day all i got a big problem . i made a new privat server and now need sniffer adress list from 1.4.1 warhammer version i used cheat engine but didnt find anything can some1 help me pls

thats the old adress.txt from sniffer
/ / Address RC4 --> how to find?
/ / Address size --> how to find?
/ / Opcode Address --> how to find?
/ / Address Packet --> how to find?
/ / Max number of difference to the added packet: if there are more than 8 differences in the packet is a new (changeable)
/ / Decode type
/ / 0 = Packet over several online
/ / 1 = Packet on one line


Edit: at login screen who u see your char go to cheat engine memory view --> than press ctrl+f write your char name and the adress should stay but cant see cant find im so bored thats why i need your helps
Gangsta16 is offline  

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