Unlocking any camo for all weapons at once: Gold / Platinum / Damascus / Obsidian / Banded / Activision Aces and etc. in CoD 2019 MW FOR FREE!
Camo is seen by other players
Weapons can be changed
Camo can be unlocked from 10+ levels account n weapon
No need to give an account (via remote control - TeamViewer/AnyDesk/Parsec n etc.) it is absolutely safe for your
Not a public method (which is 100% in detection), self-written software
Why do you need a live remote-access/viewing software (TeamViewer/AnyDesk/Parsec n etc.) to unlock the camouflage?
- We are currently testing our MW Tool for any issues > so we open camos manually > so we do it for free
When everything is will be ready, the process will be fully automated and our tool will be paid
How safe is it?
- I don't know, that's why we are testing, atm tested on 15+ accs (different versions of the game - warzon and full with multiplayer/different regions) n no bans, but I am not responsible for the possible blocking of your acc after a while
Why do you need to disable anti-virus to download / run the launcher?
- The anti-virus classifies it as malicious, because it is injected into the process of game, but the launcher does not do any harm to your system