[Selling] Looking for stuff to resell :) 02/09/2018 - League of Legends Trading - 9 Replies Hello epvp,
I am looking for stuff I can resell, I am online everyday and I can buy bulk if the price is right. It can be anything like cheap RP, accounts, boosting etc. Just pm me here or add me on skype if you have something I can resell. I can pay with Paypal and bank transfer we can discuss other payment options.
Skype: rusting.epvp
Looking for accounts to resell. 10/17/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies I'm looking for accounts to resell, I've sold 5 accounts this week and I'm running out.
I'd be intrested to resell your accounts for a little cut.
http://www.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/image s/downloads/desktop/apps-click-to-call.png incarmydude
[Buying] RP 975 1920 or 2280 RP looking for the best price (resell) 08/17/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies Hello I need RP resell. So RP codes with like 975 1920 or 2280 RP or other numbers. I know the price's so offer the best I can sell like 20/30k a month what will be more after time