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How To: Korea Elsword Guest Account.

Discussion on How To: Korea Elsword Guest Account. within the Foreign Games forum part of the General Gaming category.

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How To: Korea Elsword Guest Account.

In order to make a Nexon Korea account and play the original version of Elsword, you need a korean social security number, and then you need to verify by phone. If you don't have a valid KSSN, then you risk international identity theft charges by faking one.

.....There is however, a legal alternative that will allow you to get into kElsword, a guest account.

This guide is worthless to anyone who has a Nexon Korea account, but it will be helpful to anyone without one playing any other version, namely HK and TW where Raven, Eve, and possibly Chung need to be unlocked. Or Germany and any possible english versions coming out in the near future which won't have them for some time.

Guest account limitations:
-You cannot go higher than level 19.
-You cannot trade or send mail.
-You cannot download patches until the server is up. (An odd restriction to have.)
-Your account will not last forever. I don't know how long, exactly. I made one when I first played the game when there was only the korean version, left it alone for months, then came back when they first implimented the town update. It was still there. But when I just came back for Chung, it was gone.
-I'm not sure if you can advance to 2nd Jobs or not. I'm guessing you can, you just won't be able to get any skills as you need to be level 21.

Really, this is just for people who want to try out Raven, Eve, and/or Chung.

Go here:

This is the site you will use to log in.

Step one: Click on the button to go to the page to create your account. Just enter your username and a password. No e-mail verification necessary. It's a temporary account that won't impact anything afterall.

If your username is not available, the text underneath will be red, if available, it will be green.

Step two: Log in.

Step three: Click on Game Start. Since you don't have the game installed yet, you will be prompted to download the Nexon Download Manager. Click on the left button, download it, and install it. Then click on Game Start again. It will then proceed to download the game. (It will automatically start up the game when it's done, so mute your sound if you're downloading it overnight.)

Once downloaded, you just log in then click Game Start.

Step four: Ignore this. This is just so you can convert a guest account into a Nexon Korea account. If you could make one in the first place, you wouldn't need a guest account!

And that's it!

Credits to: Endgame on
.seizure™ is offline  
Old 05/30/2011, 22:30   #2
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I keep getting the screen with Ariel and the other girl, with a button. I press it, and it closes.
vik0z0z is offline  
Old 04/10/2012, 01:17   #3
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iv tryed alot of sites try to figure out how to make a KR guest account but every last link that i have found doesnt work ._.
serebus10 is offline  
Old 05/06/2012, 18:15   #4
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it wont let me go to link
maxopro2008 is offline  
Old 05/06/2012, 19:41   #5
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i have Elswords KR accounts fully verified 18+ and all nexon games.

pm me.
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