Hangame account/MHFO trade xD 01/05/2011 - Final Fantasy XI - 8 Replies hi everyone i have a hangame account for awhile now and stop using it because i got tired of playing games i don't understand. i mainly was using my account to play monster hunter frontier but didn't get far in it. anyways as some of you know to make a hangame account or even to play any korean games you need a valid korean social security in which i acquired awhile ago aswell.
anyways I'm just spit balling here, just wondering if anyone is interested in trading my hangame korean account for...
MHFO english patch? 12/29/2010 - Foreign Games - 1 Replies gibt es für monster hunter online eigentlich einen english patch??
denn ich kann die japanische zeichen nicht und möchte aber das spiel gerne mal spielen :O
MHFO account 08/21/2010 - Foreign Games - 1 Replies Hey ppl, is anyone here who got sick of MHFO (korean), or that have a second account in HR1-3 and can give me the account? :S already tried more than 300 K**N and they're all full. Or help me make me one... cuz I already got tired of Monster Hunter Tri, xD i'll return the DVD to the shop cuz the game was too short.