There's a reason why West players dont like Gameguard.
It hides a very nasty driver in your system that is hard to remove and uninstalling the game does not remove the file as well.
( I think this happened on Aion before )
Gameguard + Macro 03/26/2012 - Flyff - 0 Replies So it is known that gameguard blocks normal macros.
However, Buffpang and other programmes have the ability to bypass this easily, and carry out their macro functions.
There are some really effective keystroke programmes out there but they are made by other companies without the purpose of flyff, however I would like to use them.
Is there anything I can do to make them bypass gameguard and emulate their keystroke functions ingame? How hard/easy of a task is it?
All advice/help is...
how to make AutoItV3 or other macro program Works? 08/05/2008 - General Gaming Discussion - 5 Replies Hi dudes,
i just want to know why macro programs don't work in requiem.
if we are the client so we can remove these blocks like hack shield...
i seen in some site about using dll from windows directly, so the command (click, keyboard...) can pass the hackshield...
someone knows about it? i think that these macro program is easy to use and can work very good, better than bot in requiem.
very sry for the bad english, i'm brazilian and english is not my first language, so sry,...
GameGuard make a Problem/Gameguard macht probleme 07/21/2008 - Flyff - 9 Replies Bin nicht der einzigste, der das problem hat, aber wenn ich Flyff starte kommt folgendes:
Game guard update was not done.
Scan the virus or make some changes in your pc magament programm.
Weiß zufällig wer, was ich da machen kann ?
Kann man den irgendwie überspringen oder so ?
Am besten was legales ;)
Hoffe auf schnelle Antwort.
Is there any Macro that can be undetected by Gameguard? 07/11/2008 - RF Online - 0 Replies Hey all , i was wondering if there is a Macro like Actools that can be undetected by gameguard , ive been searching the forum tested some but doesnt work =/ , i want it to GM my buffs , anyone knows a program like Actools that i can use?
Thanx in advance :rolleyes: