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Chinese Translation recruitment

Discussion on Chinese Translation recruitment within the Foreign Games forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Chinese Translation recruitment

Chinese Translation recruitment

If you are a freelance translator and want to work with HuayiNet Translation, please read this page. If you meet our requirements and are interested in freelance translation work,email your resume to us:. Please click following link and visit our translation home page:

We particularly need translators to deal with works relating to short texts and involved in professional technical areas. If you are our client or potential ones, more requirements on translators are available.
Freelancer: If you are willing to work with HuayiNet Translation, please make sure you have stated your mother language, the right language pairs, professional area, rate per thousand words, and minimum charge, translation software or professional dictionaries used. Translators are required to offer two professional references and/or certificates to the membership of a recognized professional association.
Please note that only the resume in Chinese and English is accepted as we are mainly involved in the translation from source language to Chinese or Chinese to target language. Attention shall be given to the quality and contents of translation that serve as a part of the selection process. We only use native speakers translating into their native language.
Works up-to-date: translators and proofreaders are needed for dealing with regular short texts to be translated from Chinese or English into the following languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Russian. Candidates must be willing to work to tight deadlines (24 hours for documents below 250 words in source language), should be native in the target language, and have a proven history as a translator with a relevant professional qualification.
bjtranslator is offline  

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