ChilliRO is a PK server and aims to be mostly balanced. Our PK system isn't an all PK type that bothers people whilst leveling and such, infact only those 10 lvls above or below you are PKable to avoid any problems. We are considering to build in a Vote 4 Coin system in which most people may know you vote to get coins with which you can claim items yet it's still under construction! This means that we are a server WITHOUT donation items! Yup you heard me! And hopefully we get to spread this news to many players that are in search of a server.
Not only is it a non-donation-item server but we have customized our godlike equipment to suit the best of an RO game as we thought that +40 str is too heavy innit? So instead we've made our own type of godlike "customs". WoE is rather interesting on our server because... We as former players realised that having WoE all over the place was pretty lame because barely anyone would really try to attack you... well in this case we have set up our own WoE and treasure drops by which EVERYDAY 1 castle is available for WoE throughout the week. All days are a 1-castle-WoE-day except for Mondays and Thursdays.
This system was built in because with help of this we can see the REAL performance of RO players and Guilds striving for the best and for recognition. The aim for our server is to create and keep a typical Ragnarok Online environment such as those days back 5 years ago instead of customising items and all such.
Underneath you will see some basic information of our server:
Rates: 5k/5k/100%
Max LVL: 255/99 All Classes
Max Stats: 199 2nd/adv. classes -> 180 baby classes
Max ASPD: 190
Cards Drop: 10% ALL cards (incl. MvP cards)
Instant Cast: 150 Dex
Main Town: Prontera
Disabled Items/Effects: Kiel Card, Fallen Bishop Card, Coma Effect, Ifrit Rings
Player Commands: @go, @warp, @mi, @ii, @storage, @autoloot, @duel/accept/reject, @showzeny, @showexp, @auction
Our NPC's:
*John (Our warper)
*Sylist, Resetter
*Novice Changer
*DB Arena
*PVP Arena (We're still PK)
*Universal Rental
ALL times are GMT +1
Tuesday: Swanhild 20:00 ~ 21:00
Wednesday: Kriemhild 20:00 ~ 21:00
Friday: Gondul 20:00 ~ 21:00
Saturday: Skoegul 20:00 ~ 21:00
Sunday: Faghrid 20:00 ~ 21:00
Emperium HP: 20 M
Every WoE takes place in 1 town instead of all towns (Prontera is WoE Town)
Homepage Link:
a little vid to a dungeon of the server: