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Brand New MMOFPS Brick Force

Discussion on Brand New MMOFPS Brick Force within the Foreign Games forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Brand New MMOFPS Brick Force

Sudden Attack and Minecraft are two popular shooting MMOs. What will you expect if they are combined together? Well, Brick Force, the brand new MMOFPS developed by Korean company EXE Games will give you an answer. Recently, the first closed beta of Brick Force has been kicked off in Korea.

Apart from the basic FPS mode, Brick Force also offers such options like adventure mode, survivor mode, elimination mode, etc. And the biggest feature of Brick Force is its highly free "map edition mode" which allows players to design maps on their own and enjoy combat of their own style.

The closed beta of Brick Force has started on Oct. 7. According to the developer, many contents, including the guidance system for newbies and the core function of map edition are available in the closed beta test. What's more, players who participate in the test can select from 2 machine cannons, 14 existing maps and 4 characters.

EXE Games, the developer of Brick Force, was originally a small company founded by seven partners who once worked together. All these seven co-founders have more than 10 years of game development experience. Since they kicked off the project, they decided to develop Brick Force based on the idea inspired by Minecraft to spark players' imagination and creativity. They added map edition mode into Brick Force and adopted the brick concept into Brick Force in order to make it easy to pick up. Not only buildings, but also clouds, grass, trees, and even characters all look so cute in the game.

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Old 10/12/2011, 13:08   #2
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klingt ja ma geil
hoffentlich sind die systemanforderung nicht so hoch
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Old 10/12/2011, 14:32   #3
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sieht nicht so aus als ob das so hohe Systemanforderungen benötigt..
Naja sieht mir bissl komisch aus^^
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Old 10/13/2011, 01:02   #4
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Langsam gibt es wirklich keine Ideen mehr für ein Setting, oder? Wenn man MMOFPS überhaupt ein Setting zuschreiben darf...

[...] Minecraft are two popular shooting MMOs
Dude WTF? Shooting MMO?
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