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Korea Nexon Register Guide

Discussion on Korea Nexon Register Guide within the Foreign Games forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Cool Korea Nexon Register Guide

Foreign MMORPGs Register Guide- Korea MMORPG: Korea Nexon Register Guide,Enjoy it!

Have you ever wanted to play something like this? but couldn't sign up for it?i noticed that they changed things to make foreigners unable to register with children method. this means we are forced to find a real kssn around the range of 14 to 16.. it's bad news but we still have hope, the kssn sources is up to you to find them.

1.first head to so that you can start registering. note: follow the red boxes

2.normally from here you would choose left to register as a child but this time choose right which is 14 and above. have four boxes to click, these are agreements we do not need to read, so just feel free to click them all the hard part which is the kssn.. you can find it through google, i suggest searching for korean game forums excluding onrpg. a good example would be a korean monster hunter forum, maybe you can find a mabinogi heroes forum or C9 forums with kssn informations. Good luck on that! just remember you need both Real name (in korean!) and Kssn

there are three pop ups when you use fake or invalid information, if you get any of these three please try another information

Find out more details .
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Old 02/24/2011, 12:30   #2

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Honestly stop copy/pasting guides from MMOsite without giving credits.

+ You are not allowed to link your own forum here.

Advertising similar sites to elitepvpers is forbidden and will result in a ban (it doesn't matter if you've put a backlink on that site).
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korea nexon register

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