[HELP]Project: 12sky2 Cracking project 08/13/2009 - 12Sky2 - 8 Replies Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire
I need help cracking this client (the objective is to disable X-TRAP) for 12sky2.ph
tnx for those who will help
currently using OLLYDBG for debugging some codes...
A NEW Project (Same Idea as Project Manifesto) 07/28/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 73 Replies This is based off the original idea of project manifesto which I BELIEVE was a open source sorta deal
This meaning that the community contributes to the source instead of having a select few work on the server by itself and everyone else play the server
Franqeutly i am tired of ALL these servers that pop up last a few days then finish
honestly it gets REALLY old
Leave Your comments what you think
This is MY OPINION nothing else
--> ZeRo-ToLeRaNcE Project headquarters <-- 01/06/2009 - CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 151 Replies Happy new Year everybody!! and an good 2009
I have stopped my project for good, i can not work anymore
on it, because i have to much work to do at my work.