[Selling] BattleFlyff Items & Perins 01/11/2017 - Flyff Trading - 2 Replies Hello,
I want to sell Stuff on private Server Battleflyff.
I have around 200-400 Perins, CS, 9 Slot Buffpets, Donate Cloaks, CW Sets, Nice Gear & much more
For more Infos Pm or leave Ur Skype add
[BATTLEFLYFF] DCOIN / PERIN STORE 10/27/2016 - Flyff Trading - 8 Replies Hey Guys.
Im selling Dcoins / perins on battleflyff. currently ~700 dcoins available.
pm me with offers =)
[SELL] BattleFlyff Donate stuff & more 10/21/2016 - Flyff Trading - 3 Replies Hellow guys,
because of some real life difficulties i've decided to quit battleflyff want sell my stuff.
600 Donate coins, donate cloaks => atk, pvp, exp, hp & lightspeed masks, exp and PVE cs
Water Set+18
Earth set
[Selling] BattleFlyff Donate Coins (DC) 10/14/2016 - Flyff Trading - 11 Replies Ich möchte hier ein paar DC auf dem Privatserver BattleFlyff verkaufen, da ich im Moment leider keine Zeit mehr fürs Zocken finde.
Preis = 50% vom Kaufpreis, also 0,05 € pro Stück.
via Paypal F&F oder Banküberweisung (Du first, gern gesplittet)
Im Falle einer Rückerstattung (Wipe etc.) gebe ich euch die DC selbstverständlich kostenlos zurück.