verkaufe hier ein ca. 120cd und 120 Str Yggdrasil Jester Set.
4x 10% atk können dazugelegt werden.
Das Set wird nur zusammen mit den HP Parts vkt
Dofus -NEED YGG Drasil Map editor 01/24/2012 - Private Server - 1 Replies Hey guys im looking for YGG DRAsil map edtior 4.0 cracked version :D anyone know where i can get it?!
DarkRO YGG bot 01/09/2011 - RO Exploits, Hacks, Bots & Guides - 2 Replies hey guys..
i just finished making my own YGG-bot..
It works perfectly with a priest with a magnus exorcismus..
works perfectly. heres the link..
just skip the add.. hit thanks if i helped you :))
oldschool ro ygg bot 07/05/2010 - Ragnarok Online - 5 Replies any one have a working ygg bot? if so can you pls share