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Some Auto-Buyer statistics

Discussion on Some Auto-Buyer statistics within the Fifa forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
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Some Auto-Buyer statistics

Hi all,

I've written a FUT Autobyer for myself for fun by using python and selenium. I just wanted to figure out how things work, so I took some time writing a log file for every search my bot would ever perform, logging e.g. search parameters, how many search results I received per search, my BuyNow Price, the SellingPrice, etc.

I defined BuyTime as the time between pressing the search button, analyzing the search results, pressing the BuyNow button and confirming the pop-up asking for confirmation.

Technically I was able to do that in roundabout 0.5 secs (more or less, depending on the analyzation of the search results - xpath can be really slow at that point). Due to the fact that I didn't want to get a kickban from EA, I decided to see how fast I can do it by myself. After some optimizations, it was able to do the whole sniping process as defined above in roundabout 1 second, but never below. So I decided to make the bot wait for at least 1 second after hitting the Search button. Then I played around with some values between 1.0 and 1.6 secs for the overall process.

I'm actually re-designing the bot, so I had a closer look at the buytime. Interested in your comments and experiences regarding that, here is what I found out.

What do you see:
I took all events where the bot received at least 1 search result (more than 1000 events at all).
On the x-axis you see the time the bot took for running through the whole buy process as described above.
On the y-axis you see how the success rate for sniping the item (e.g. 0.5 ==> 50 %).

In the first image you see how many times the bot bought an item successfully in all events.
In the second image you see all results of a potential profit greater than 200 coins (meaning: Later Selling Price - EA tax - Buy Price >= 200 coins).
In the third image, same as above but for a potential profit greater than 300 coins.
In the fourth image, same as above but for a potential profit greater than 400 coins.

I think my search filters suck, because I'm more interested in programming the bot than sniping . So I have to play around with them in the future to be able to do some statistics on what brings most profit.

If you have any comments on the data - or any idea for further analysis, please let me know.
bekoni is offline  
Old 11/02/2020, 18:47   #2
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 2
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Sorry, I'm quite an amateur in terms of programming, etc.

I couldn't understand the relation of the provided info in the pictures that you shared.

How much profit can you generate per hour?
shautzhackil is offline  
Old 11/02/2020, 20:09   #3
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 8
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Those graphs are about how long the sniping process of my bot takes from hittinh search to buying an item. If I wait too short, I fear that EA might ban my account (can anyone confirm?). If I wait too long, other snipers / sniper bots get the item before me.

Looking at graphic nr. 4, 40 % of my snipes with a profit of > 400 coins were successful when my bot took 1.1 seconds for the buying process.
When the bot needed 1.2 to 1.3 seconds, I just got around 20 % to 25 % of the items I sniped for...

Does anyone here have any experience on how short a buy-process may be before getting banned? As written above, 0.5 seconds would be possible without any big modifications...
bekoni is offline  

autobuyer, data-sciene, fifa, sniping

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