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ways to make coins? AS BEGINNER

Discussion on ways to make coins? AS BEGINNER within the Fifa forum part of the Popular Games category.

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ways to make coins? AS BEGINNER

Could someone tell some ways to get coins as a beginner in fut?

wie kann man am Anfang Coins aufbauen?
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Old 05/01/2017, 18:07   #2

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Kaum besondere , Titel gewinnen , Weekend League qualifizieren , die anfangs SBC's und natürlich gegen das Team der Woche spielen .

zu der Weekend League qualifizierung , könnt ich dir anbieten sie für dich zu machen , sofern du sie nicht selbst schaffst.
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Old 05/01/2017, 23:40   #3
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Originally Posted by MUELLMEISTER View Post
Kaum besondere , Titel gewinnen , Weekend League qualifizieren , die anfangs SBC's und natürlich gegen das Team der Woche spielen .

zu der Weekend League qualifizierung , könnt ich dir anbieten sie für dich zu machen , sofern du sie nicht selbst schaffst.
hab mir jz momentan ein englisches bronze team gemacht. wie läuft das dann ab?
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Old 05/02/2017, 17:54   #4
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Focus on some SBCs that can make you some decent coins (Advanced section in sbc has some decent ones).


Trading can be very effective if you know which players you should go for, I am not an expert or anything I am still learning and I am starting to getting better.


Make sure to use all your x1000 boosts.

4.Players in the club

I had a lot of players in my club (including silvers & bronzes) and I thought they had no value but actually a lot of them were selling with over 1000 coins. You can use to import your club and they will find the players that are worth some coins in your club.
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