I've just had this same exact issue. I tried to contact an EA advisor and he came up with the bullshit story that it's P2P and it's my connection that sucked, and it's my fault that it got stuck which resulted in a draft loss for me. Poor work by EA.
[TUT]Opponent's HP and MP during pvp 08/31/2016 - Metin2 PServer Guides & Strategies - 121 Replies Hi.
http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/screenshooter-l egacy/pi-lbrxjxwgupeesjfuctcl.jpg
And now tutorial how add it into client:
You must add following code to costinfo.py
VID = 0
STHX = 0
how to skip opponent replays 11/25/2014 - Fifa - 3 Replies Hello. Some people skip my goal replays easily. Do you know how they do it and how can I skip opponent goal replays
Yu-Gi-Oh BAM! - Computer Opponent Can't Attack 06/24/2014 - Facebook - 34 Replies Does not work in Live Mode, it will either cause the game to hang, crash, or after the other real person's turn, the game will stall indefinitely.
AS3 AoB, Search for it after the game has been loaded on a fresh reload and you are on the map screen(world or city, it doesn't matter, just not inside of a duel yet.)
D0 4E 86 30 00 D0
02 02 02 02 02
Yu-Gi-Oh BAM! - Computer Opponent Can't Attack 06/01/2014 - Facebook - 5 Replies Does not work in Live Mode, it will either cause the game to hang, crash, or after the other real person's turn, the game will stall indefinitely.
AS3 AoB, Search for it after the game has been loaded on a fresh reload and you are on the map screen(world or city, it doesn't matter, just not inside of a duel yet.)
D0 4E FF 31 00 D0
02 02 02 02 02
Soul Crash (No Opponent BUG) 04/26/2012 - Facebook - 14 Replies http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg252/scaled.php?se rver=252&filename=watsrong.jpg&res=landing
Anyone have solution?
some one will give solution but with payment :mad: