[Release] Admin Panel Social Wars 03/29/2013 - Facebook - 73 Replies 1. You can download the swf his direct, and open with flash player stand alone debugger.
2. after the page opens, then you press the button (~) left the 1 standard keyboard.
3. after press the button (~) will appear its admin panel, you replace it with FB Facebook ID ID.
which you can see in the page when you play these games, (ex: 1000000023xxxx) so his numbers, and can also be different.
then you press the button "Load FBID PROD" try not another button, it will probably cause a crash.
[Release]Admin Panel Social Wars | Complete All Hack 02/16/2013 - Facebook - 10 Replies http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iZ_yZIZDGOo/URxrw0sXEjI/ AAAAAAAABAc/MHlEzwsbUdo/s1600/ocial+wars+admin+pan el+hack.png
Many of Friend ask me About this hack, this hack Very Complite. I Leveling Up from level 1 to level 60 just a few menutes, LOL. Unlimited Resource, Unlimited Cash and many more (u can hack more than my picture above) All Hack is 99% Savable/Permanent. Gonna try ?
Tutorial :
1. Download Flash Player and Swf Hack
2. Open Flash Player, File >> Open >>Browse (Select the Swf Hack)...
Admin Panel 04/05/2012 - Flyff Private Server - 10 Replies Hay,
da ich gerade lw habe wollte ich das ACP von Stefan Pfeifer neu machen, Design habe ich verändert, habe die jetzigen Funktionen bischen erneuert und bischen von Sedrikas Panel eingefügt...
Doch das ist mir bischen zu wenig und komme auf keine Ideen mehr was ich noch rein machen könnte, würde mich um paar antworten freuen ^^