Now i'm explaining how to get many Simoleons and Social Points.
- Install Plugin
- Start The Sims Social
- Go to the Shop
- Open "Hidden - consumable"
- Start AutoHotkey-Script, which clicks on "Red Envelope"
- Lean back and enjoy
- To stop press/hold "Esc" until it stops
Here is the code for the *.ahk-file:
#InstallKeybdHook SetTitleMatchMode 2 While (!GetKeyState("Escape")) { WinWait, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, IfWinNotActive, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, , WinActivate, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, WinWaitActive, The Sims Social auf Facebook - Mozilla Firefox, MouseClick, left, 400, 700 Sleep, 500 } ExitApp
Both information you can get with Window Spy, which is installed with AutoHotkey as well.
I hope it works for you and you can enjoy it.