Originally Posted by ClassicCB
Don't go looking for cheap ones, you'll regret it getting banned because of it or only have issues with it.
The usual price for a spoofer that offers to spoof every, or almost every AC is like 30$. I can only speak for Elusion as I've only used it for a couple times and they seem to cover everything.
But to be honest, if you want to have a long-term solution, go for RAID0. If you don't know what that is, google it.
TL;DR: It's basically a spoofer that you can control yourself by combining two (in best case) identical SATA or NVME drives to create such a "RAID0".
For EFT, that'll be enough to keep playing even if you're HWID banned. There are also downsides to it like: If one of the drive fails, all of the data that's on it is gone.
Yeah, i know that is Raid0, i whould do that if i had 2 Ssd, but my motherboard only supports 1 ssd and i dont have a 2nd One.
I already changed every single HWid adresses for all component, but i cant find how to change wmic hard drive address. I can only change that other hard drive address.