I've been searching for something that compares to LK since it is ripped as of right now. I mainly want silent aim, loot through walls, and loot ESP/container ESP.
Feel free to add me on discord I'll be up for a while. Jawn#0062
I've been searching for something that compares to LK since it is ripped as of right now. I mainly want silent aim, loot through walls, and loot ESP/container ESP.
Feel free to add me on discord I'll be up for a while. Jawn#0062
We offer VZN. It is very very solid more of a legit style. With no detections in along time.
[4Story] Something for something 01/28/2015 - 4Story - 1 Replies Hey, I could show you a few things I've done, maybe many of you do not know how you do it, so I will add here that when looking for a given task will not be able to, so I could show you how, but something in return :) I pointed to the fact that I own for you to shoot video and how you, or you on skype.
The list of what I could do / show:
1. How to change at merchant plus + magic
2. How to overwrite: http://prntscr.com/5xbnzm (Client change)
3. How to overwrite: http://prntscr.com/5xbnzm...
looking for a guide or something to help me with 09/21/2010 - EO PServer Hosting - 3 Replies i need a guide or someone to please explain to me how to fix an issue, Eudemon's not gaining exp nor leveling, i dnt know how to fix it i am new to doing servers can anyone give me some ides plese
Looking For Something 07/19/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 5 Replies i am looking for a source (5017) so i can start to learn the coding and things
and i dont know which source i should start out with and was wondering if someone could help me with what source i should start out with
Looking for something in particular 02/16/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 0 Replies Hello everyone, I started play co again after a yr and 6 month quit. I use to have a simple but useful program which I dled from pvpers forum that let me jump by clicking the middle mouse button, no ctrl. It was extremely useful in pkp situations or jumping across a long map. It let the mid button do other things as well like pick up items. Does anyone have it? I'd really appreciate it, thnx :)
looking for something.. 01/12/2008 - Conquer Online 2 - 13 Replies i was wondering what file the monster animations are stored
would they be in the *.wdf files that are in the co root directory.. the most obvious place
or a *.DMap file.. map files im guessing..
or a *.dds file
or would they be in one of the *.c3 files
im guessing one of the *.wdf files.. because i dont think that the other files are big enough to hold that many animations..
for the wdf files i have unknownones extractor..
the dds files i got peaches.. i think.. dds how to edit..