[Help].. loading & then is says server is down?? or interrupted??
Discussion on [Help].. loading & then is says server is down?? or interrupted?? within the EO PServer Hosting forum part of the Eudemons Online category.
Connection with the server is interrupted 03/29/2010 - CO2 Private Server - 2 Replies plz help me i need help i make server i make website account i triy to login and it sey to me Connection with the server is interrupted. Please re-login plz someone can help me i need help
Server loading error 01/16/2010 - Dekaron Private Server - 9 Replies Ive got this following error,is this related to the monster map? tried to look at the files but dont get the eror.
http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/3926/errorht.t h.png
[Help]EO NPC Server not loading fully 02/10/2008 - EO PServer Hosting - 1 Replies Im getting strange error :S im using phdev release and my NPC server is loading but then closes :S How can i fix it ?
Connection with server interrupted? 05/08/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 7 Replies Ever since patch 4346 I havn't been able to connect, I came back from school one day, and I tried to log on , the little balls by the server are purple and when i try to log on it just says Connection with server interupted,maintanence or internet conjestion.
I've checked my firewall,disabled it, closed it, still does it.
I've reinstalled conquer about 5 times and STILL not working.
I downloaded patch 4346 manually.
I'm not getting the version error but cant login due to this.
I've not...