higher lvling on higher maps after patch impossible? 01/05/2010 - Dekaron - 5 Replies hi community,
i have searched on the forum informations(but nothing found, maybe search term was bad) about if in the last time if the game was so patched that the posibility of "higher lvl map LVLing" is now making DC?
i tried to kill a creature in draco desert with crespo LVL char, before beast died i would DC, can any body confirm?
ps: i used only WH to get to crespo, nothing else.
New LOTF server and could use a real coder to give a noob coder a hand :) 08/20/2008 - CO2 Private Server - 7 Replies hi guys, I'm sort of spreading a new server around and i happened to remember my user and pw for this site :) well i cant post a thread so go to the site and download for yourself :D (LOTF server using hamachi) and the hamachi on the site is wrong x.x its CorruptedCO pw 123, My name is Chris and you can PM me on hamachi if you have any questions or IM me on msn at [email protected]
Ok guys, i got the files to upload :D so...
Higher Dmg? 12/30/2007 - World of Warcraft - 4 Replies M0in erstma :P
ich habe mich zu tode gesucht xD
und nichts gefunden...
ich spiele auf nem ascent 2.3 server ..
da hab ich einen mitm 1hit kill gesehen xD
hab auch mit dem geschnaqqt und so xD
er meint es wäre n bug oO
n windzorn bug ...