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[FAQ] Dragon City

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Exclamation [FAQ] Dragon City

I see people some questions, so here are some simple solutions!

Why can't I buy space on the other island?
Before space can be purchased off another island the rites to cross the bridge must be purchased. This will cost either gold or gems depending on which island is being purchased. You can buy the island rites from Build: expansion & choosing the far right option to unlock your next island. This will include the plot of land directly across the bridge.

Why didn't I get the food reward for upgrading my farm?
Please be aware the food listed is a display showing the highest level of food that can be grown with that size farm. It is somewhat cramped together in the display box available for description which does cause common confusion, however, only the Experience is the reward for up grading.

Why can't I build a habitat?

There is a limit to the amount of habitats a person can have based on their level. Please view your limit to see if you have capped it. This can be done in Build: Habitat listed below any habitat type. A number will show reading something like 23/28. the First number will be the amount you currently have in all habitats total. The second number will be the amount of habitat you are allowed to have in total.

Why won't my habitat amount increase past 28?
This is the habitat cap. 28 habitats is the maximum amount of habitats to earn for the game in total.

How can I earn Gems in game?

There are a variety of ways. Everyone can collect through the combat options & activity rewards. Sometimes quests, Daily Log In Chest, the Dragon Book and Leveling up will also grant gems.
World Combat - 3 gems per league (7 battles) won
Stadium Combat - 2 gems per battle (3 rounds) won
Monday Rewards - 5 gems if the lucy bag is chosen

What is the highest level of the game?
At this time most players are peaked at level 50. However, I think there is a new max level, i.e, 100.

Why is my game not leveling when my bar shows I have more than enough experience points?
When the XP bar is scrolled over the amount display is actually a count down of the amount of experience a player still needs to earn for the next level. When that scroll over hits 0 you level.

Why is my Quest not completing?
Some quests will get stuck. Reloading your game will usually take care of the issue?

How do I finish the quest to close my window when there is no button?
They did a whoops with what direction the giant red arrow points. Click the red X found on the top-right side of the box. This will close the window completing the quest.

How come my temple quest will not complete?
Be aware that temple quests sow back to back & are worded very similar. Many players mistake the next level quest for the previous one. If you know it is still the same one, try refreshing the game a few minutes after the temple is completely built to have it read the temple.

What does a temple do?
For the main part a temple is there to allow a player to raise the level of their fighting dragons. Each temple allows a player to increase their dragons' levels by 5. Costs and requirements vary per temple.

Magic temple unlocks at level 20, costs 500,000 gold, & requires 6 friends to open it. All dragons can be trained up to level 15 with this temple.
Noble temple unlocks at level 25, costs 1,500,000 gold, & requires 6 friends to open it. All dragons can be trained up to level 20 with this temple.
Knight temple unlocks at level 30, costs 5,000,000 gold, & requires 24 hours to build it. Dragons can be trained up to level 25 with this temple.
Dragon temple unlocks at level 35, costs 25 gems, & requires 24 hours to build it. Dragons can be trained up to level 30 with this temple.

Why is my boost not increasing my gold capacity to the habitat?
Be aware that boosts do not increase how much a habitat holds. what they do is increase the amount a dragon can produce in a given time. So they increase the speed that a habitat fills up. If player are on a lot it can lead to increased amounts of gold in that they will be able to collect off the habitat more often from it filling up faster.

How can I find my Facebook ID number?

Everyone's game will have it listed beneath their game just under the red "Help & Support" button. You can also find it through viewing your facebook page's source code just after the "user" or "ID" title.

What kind of dragon is my egg?
Eggs are fun to see and a query we all are impatient to know. You can get an idea of what type it is based off off color & design, but there is also a visual list of Dragon Eggs

Is their a visual list of all dragon types?
On the web there are many locations you will find lists and images of all the dragons. This is one example. Be aware the game cannot control other sites like this. Sometimes information may be incorrect or slow to update.

How long should my dragon take to hatch?
Hatch times are decided by the type of dragon you are hatching. The more challenging a dragon is to breed the long it's hatch time is meant to be. Please review Simplified Dragon Breeding List for exact hatch times per egg type.
Thee are also some Player made topics to help with the in game events.

Why can't I place my Dragon on the habitat?
Check to be sure the dragon is being placed on the correct Habitat. Dragons can only be added to ones that match their element & type. This can sometimes become confusing with Pure dragons since each pure type has a Pure Habitat type. Pure Fire dragon needs to be on a Pure Fire habitat just as Pure Pure dragon (unicorn dragon) needs to have a Pure Pure habitat.

Is it possible to have all dragon types with the game limits?
At this time the limits do prevent players from having all dragons. They will have to choose which to keep & which to depart with. It is sometime easier to decide for some players if they consider how easy some are to buy or breed with hatch times... like an Earth or Fire dragon is always available for gold in the Build: Egg shop & hatch in just a few minutes. They can always be easily re-made if needed later. The Simplified Dragon Breeding List lists hatch times & breeding combinations to help with the decision.

Why can't I claim my Social Empire/Social Wars reward dragon?
Sometimes there is a problem with the two games connecting with each other to read levels if the games are open separately. Usually if a person clicks on the DC island found inside the other game it will load DC & allow players to collect the dragon from the Build: Egg section. Don't forget to have open space in your hatchery before collecting the egg.

What is a Unique dragon?
These are dragons that cannot be created from breeding. They are considered a luxury item to own and are earned or purchased through random game events. The times and types of events vary. Please review Unique Dragon Listing for what dragons are considered Unique.

What is a Pure dragon?
Are special single element dragon. They will show a symbol for pure element and look similar to their relating pure element in most cases. They can only be placed in a pure habitat type matching their pure element type. They can be breed from legendary dragons & single element dragons. Breeding them with other dragons can sometimes create other pure dragons.

What is a Legendary dragon?
Are the strongest level of dragons. They are bred off the combination of two rare dragons or purchased for a lot of gems. They can be placed in only the Legendary habitat type. They show a single Legendary element.

What is a Rare dragon?
These are dragons produced from matching opposite elements together that cannot breed directly or purchasing for a large amount of gems. They can be placed in either of it's two element's habitat types. Matching hybrids are the most common method of trying for these. Breeding them together gives a chance at breeding Legendary dragons.

What is a Hybrid dragon?
These are the secondary dragons produced from breeding 2 single element dragons or earned through events or purchases for gems. They will show two or three elements to them. They can be placed in either of it's two or three element's habitat types. They are the most common types to happen from breeding most all dragon combinations. Breed them together to create more hybrid or breed ones that have opposite elements for a chance at creating Rares.

What is a Single Element dragon
these are primary dragons for starting breeding. They will consist of one element. They can be placed in the habitat type matching their single element. They can be purchased for gold in the Build: Egg section, or bred using hybrids and Legendary. Breed them together to create hybrids, bred them to Pures to create other Pures.

How much food do I need to raise my dragon up in levels?
Each level is different, but a player will need around 4.3 million food to take a dragon from level 1 to 30. Please view the Food Computation list for a more detailed break down per level.

How do I breed [Insert dragon name here]?
Please be aware not all dragons can be breed. Specialty events will offer luxury dragons that can only be earned through events. For those that can be breed, there are many options for most dragon types as well as a system to it. Continue below if you'd like to learn the systems. If you'd prefer to just know dragon names, please review Simplified Dragon Breeding List to know which match will work best with your dragons.

How long does [Insert dragon name here] take to breed?
Breeding times are decided by the parents and will vary depending on how dragons are matched. Please review Simplified Dragon Breeding List to know which dragon match you ca make for the best time frame for your game play.

Why can't some dragons breed together
This should happen only for single element dragons. They are considered opposite elements and unable to breed to create a challenge in figuring out how to cross their elements. Review some of the breeding guides like the one posted in the question above if you would rather just be told what matches give a chance for a successful result.

Which dragons cannot be created from breeding?
Unique dragons can only be earned or purchased through events offering them. These are exclusive luxury dragons to the game. A list of what is considers a Unique dragon can be found in the Unique Dragon Listing topic.

I am breeding the correct combination. How come I am not getting the right result?
To keep the game and breeding challenging there are often multiple options that can be bread out of combinations as well as some will have different levels of difficulty. Keep tying proven matches until success results. Feel free to ask around other's for further advice & encouragement. Everyone's had at least one stubborn bree

How does the game decide which dragons are created from the parents?
The game does a random mix and match of the parent's elements to create the babies. So a Fire+Plant bred with a Water+Earth will take one of the elements of Fire or Plant & match to one of the other element of Water or Earth. Legendary Dragons and Rare dragons have the added ability of creating elements other than what they show. Rares matched to each other will occasionally create Legendary elements. Legendary dragons matched to each other will occasional create Pures, or matched to other dragon types they will create a mix of any standard element.

How do I breed a Unique dragons?
These are special event dragons and can only be earned. Breeding is not possible. In most instances, they will not show for purchase in the Build: Egg section. To know if you are trying for a unique dragon please view Unique Dragon Listing for the currently known types.

How do I breed a Pure?
Mix a legendary with a single element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a very high breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Legendary?
Mix two rare element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a very high breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Rare?
Mix two Hybrid Element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a somewhat higher breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Poo dragon?
Mix a legendary and a dragon like Mud that has at least 2 of the needed three elements together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be a very high breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a hybrid?
Mix two Single Element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be an easier breeding challenge, though results will vary.

How do I breed a Single Element?
It is easiest to purchase these direct from the Build: Egg section, but if you wish to breed some mix two Hybrid Element dragons together. It usually will take multiple tries before successfully breeding a legendary. They are meant to be an easier breeding challenge, though results will vary.

Why does my Diamond Level 4 Stadium battle repeat?
This is the highest level to the stadium at this time. It repeats to allow players to opportunity to continue earning gems.

How do I beat a player who is a much higher level then me and the other players in the league?
Since some players do choose not to battle, this will occasionally happen where they freeze to a league level. In most all cases other players can still move past this person, by checking back to their World Combat daily. Sometimss the island names will rotate while the red X always remains in the same position. This will move the harder player or your own island to an X and open up an easier player to battle again. Players only need earn 7 battle wins to move ahead. Those do not have to be against 7 different players.

How do I defeat a Legendary dragon when I have none?
Usually a rare dragon of the same level will be able to defeat a Legendary dragon in 2 hits. Rare dragons include: Gummy, Soccer, Pirate, Armadillo, Cool Fire, & Petroleum

Why does my dragon have fight moves that do not match it's elements?
This is a natural ability in some dragons like the Alpine. In other it is gained from training. With a larger range of available element moves your dragons will be more successful defeating a wider range of battle opponents.

What are my [insert dragon name here] strength's & weakness?
A dragon's first element listed decides what it is weak in. Try to avoid combats against dragons with those skills. It will be strong against the elements weak to it. Use battle moves of that element against the opponent for stronger hits.

Weakness by elements

Earth = ice & metal
Fire = water & electric
Water = fire & dark
Plant = ice & earth
Electric = water & plant
Ice = fire & metal
Metal = electric & dark
Dark = plant & earth
Legendary = Legendary

Strength by elements

Earth = plant & dark
Fire = water & ice
Water = fire & electric
Plant = electric & dark
Electric = fire & metal
Metal = ice & earth
Ice = earth & plant
Dark = water & metal
Legendary = Legendary

Why did my dragon cause 0 hit damage?
All dragons are immune to a type of element if attacked by it. What they are immune to is decide by their first element's immunity.

Immunity by elements

Earth = electric
Fire = plant
Water = earth
Plant = water
Electric = metal
Metal = fire
Ice = dark (possibly?)
Dark = Ice
Legendary = Legendary

What dragons have the most health points per dragon level?
As a dragon levels up it's health and hit points will increase too, however there will always be the following hierarchy to a given level in terms of power and health (Strongest to weakest): Legendary dragons, Pure dragons, Rare dragons, Hybrids dragons, & Single Elements dragons.

What do the stars mean next to some dragon's names?
These are dragons that have battles enough to increase their battle skill. The extra stars make them perform better in battle.

Where do I find World Combat?
Under the Icon button that looks like a storage chest. Click it to bring up a list of different areas. World Combat will be below the Dragon Book.

Why didn't I win gems after I defeated someone in World Combat?
In World Combat players earn gems after winning a league. Leagues take 7 battle wins to complete. Keep working and winning to earn the gems.
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Old 03/09/2014, 14:00   #2

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Old 03/09/2014, 14:05   #3
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Originally Posted by Lawliet! View Post
Thank you for pinning it.

I will try my best to update it when possible.
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Old 03/09/2014, 14:29   #4

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