in making plus (not blues and stats) is the prem plus the same as silver 07/05/2010 - Silkroad Online - 8 Replies i noticed that the lucky percentage on the prem plus is the same as prem silver
the difference is in the alchemy probability
so my question is
since lucky is 1 for making plus and alchemy probability is the 1 for modifying the blues and stats
is the prem plus the same as prem silver in making plus ? or theres some thing i missing here ?
[Game]Silkroad Plus for TI-83 Plus 09/02/2007 - SRO Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 0 Replies Okay, m very excited im starting this. There is a BIG project about to start, im going to be programming Silkroad for the TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator, head on over to Silkroad Plus Concept Ideas! - PEPKILZ and post what you think...if anyone knows ASM for these bad boys TEACH