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[D2NT] Nip Checker - by toothless

Discussion on [D2NT] Nip Checker - by toothless within the Diablo 2 Programming forum part of the Diablo 2 category.

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Post [D2NT] Nip Checker - by toothless

Apologies for the English.
If someone could translate, then it would be appreciated.

I have posted this on two other sites, thought you might like it here also.

LAST UPDATE - 12th May 2010

Fiddle with your nips with peace of mind.
No longer will your bot stand idle over an item you wrongly configured in a nip file


This will be stored in a text file in your item_configs directory.
There will be one file for each nip file you are using.
Only the lines with errors will be logged.

Output #1
	[Name] == Hunter'sGuise && [Quality]==set && [ColdResist]==50 // Aldur's Stony Gaze
	Keyword Errors	:	
	Alias Errors		:	50 

[Mame] == BattleBoots && [Quality] == set && [FireResist] == 50	// Aldur's Advance
	Keyword Errors	:	mame 
	Alias Errors		:	50 

[Name] == ShadowPlate && [Quality] == set # [LightResst] == 50 // Aldur's Deception
	Keyword Errors	:	
	Alias Errors		:	lightresst 

[Name] == JaggedStar [Quality] == set # [Sockets] == 3 // Aldur's Rhythm
	Eval error		:	Before #
PASS : 0
FAIL : 4
Input #2
[Name] == 649	// (guess)
[Name] == SmallCharm && [Quality] == magic # [80] == 7 // dunno wot 80 means
[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == 7 # ([331]+[335] == 10 || [330]+[334] == 10 || [332]+[336] == 10 || [329]+[333] == 10) // wtf is this :) 
[Name] == SmallCharm && [Level] <= 18
Output #2
[Name] == 649	// (guess)
	Keyword Errors		:	
	Alias Errors		:	
	Code Sanity Check	:	649=[keyofdestruction] 

[Name] == SmallCharm && [Quality] == magic # [80] == 7 // dunno wot 80 means
	Keyword Errors		:	
	Alias Errors		:	
	Code Sanity Check	:	80=[itemmagicbonus] 

[Type] == jewel && [Quality] == 7 # ([331]+[335] == 10 || [330]+[334] == 10 || [332]+[336] == 10 || [329]+[333] == 10) // wtf is this :) 
	Keyword Errors		:	
	Alias Errors		:	
	Code Sanity Check	:	7=[unique] 331=[passivecoldmastery] 335=[passivecoldpierce] 330=[passiveltngmastery] 334=[passiveltngpierce] 332=[passivepoismastery] 336=[passivepoispierce] 329=[passivefiremastery] 333=[passivefirepierce] 

PASS : 4
FAIL : 0
Latest (updated 12th May 2010)
  • 2.0.0

    FIX : eval() and logical operations
    ADD : NTConfig_CheckCodes - true=write sanity code check to output file
Paste contents into a new file, and save in NTBot/bots/ directory.
eg. NTBot/bots/TLNipCheck.ntj
Just add the script in your character file.
Make sure the filename matches to the file you just created and saved.
NTConfig_Script.push("TLNipCheck.ntj"); NTConfig_CheckCodes = true;
(Obviously its best to run this only after nip file modifications.
So comment out all those boss runs and just run this script, and then vice versa once you happy.)

Hope you guys find it useful - thought I'd give a little something back, ahem.
I for one am tired of myself screwing it up, as well as reading (all too often) about other people's woes.

aka. toothless
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Old 05/11/2010, 14:27   #2
Muddy Waters's Avatar
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Didn't really give it a try yet, but the script itself looks decent.
This will definately be a huge relief for everyone who's still struggling with writing correct .nip files.
Thanks for the contribution!

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Old 05/11/2010, 16:05   #3
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was soll des sein
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Old 05/11/2010, 17:33   #4
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Originally Posted by itstrue View Post
was soll des sein
schau dir den screen an ._.?

Überprüft deine nip files auf syntax fehler
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Old 05/12/2010, 05:23   #5
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Updated - please update if you are using, and test your nip files again.

Am I allowed to link to other sites on this forum ?
Its a pain to maintain updates in several places.
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Old 12/07/2011, 21:13   #6
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Ich habe den Checker bis vor dem letzten Patch genutzt. War sehr hilfreich.
Wenn ich den Checker nun in den Ordner vom 1.13d-er Bot (D2NT von Muddy angepasst von BallersAcc2) entpacke, erhalte ich nach dem erstellen des Spiels Fehlermeldungen (Ingame im Chatfenster) und der Charakter bleibt in der Stadt stehen.
Kann man die Dateien irgendwie für den aktuellen Bot anpassen? Ich kenne mich da leider nicht so dolle mit aus.
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Old 12/07/2011, 21:22   #7
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Meine Version hat einen eigenen Nip Check integriert, darum macht es nicht unbedingt Sinn hier etwas externes zu verwenden - es sei denn, du möchtest dir mehr Arbeit machen.

Wie du diesen aktivierst entnimmst du bitte .
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Old 12/07/2011, 22:02   #8
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Manchmal sieht man den Baum nicht.....
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check, checker, d2nt, nip, script

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