When i run the bypasser everything is fine. i can log in and i can run around with no problems but as soon as i try to turn on the hax via CE, it dc's me with the box with ????????????????? all on it. any suggestions? thanks
if u get the debugger window, that means you edited something wrong. If it was just your offsets, then the game would just crash without a debug window. Make sure your scripts are write and if you're using CSV edits, make sure those are right too
hi im a noob when it comes to fixin this a friend give me the hack so idk how to fix it everytime i login with hacks on its just closes the game an a box pop up???
NPC turn 02/05/2011 - EO PServer Hosting - 20 Replies Hy, i have a Problem with a couple of NPCs.
If I'm in the mouse over it looks like this:
http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/7696/28734170. jpg
Only that I would not like so I would like it in such a way to turn.
Turn .ahk into .exe on vista 12/12/2009 - Mabinogi - 2 Replies i've seen it before on here i think...
I'm searching all night and i can't find out how.
plz help, thx.
Nebular WON! Now my turn! 11/21/2009 - Dekaron Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 6 Replies edited by trane.
GCAuto Turn off 08/14/2009 - Grand Chase Philippines - 2 Replies when i using 1 hit - then i go to the dungeon when i finish the dungeon the gc is auto turn off....iidk why ./
turn exp balls to vps 07/22/2008 - CO2 Guides & Templates - 2 Replies ok this is one of my stupidest posts ok this is what u do buy a exp ball go find some noob or make a noob ur self and give him the exp ball he will lvl 26 lvls at lvl 1 or any lvl i got found mine at lvl 32 give him or her the exp ball and she lvl and u profit make a team lol click ty if u like this post peace