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Morality among some of us

Discussion on Morality among some of us within the Dekaron forum part of the MMORPGs category.

Old   #1
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Morality among some of us

It caught my attention some of us hackers have become rather aggressive and not caring about others in global dekaron

I have encountered:

Hackers who report other hackers
Hackers who frame people who don't hack because they made screenshots of them
Hackers who ruin all maps for the regular people
Hackers who pk others with skillhacks
Hackers who lure whole df and ruin it for regular players
the list goes on and on with immoral actions

I'm a hacker too, but I hack ONLY in dg, I don't try to frame other hackers or regular players by using my hacks on them and I don't use these hacks public.

This type of behaviour imo is repulsive and I hope all of you who do this get banned.

Hack without ruining the game for others and with some decent behaviour or don't hack at all

Just my two cents
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Old 10/21/2009, 13:40   #2
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Hackers who report hackers are so gay. They could be reporting someone on this forum who helped them make their hacks and they don't care. I don't frame people but I don't care if they frame legits if the legits chase after them for an SS. Legits chase me all the time when i'm not doing anything to them. I always find a spawn to myself and move away whenever I se a legit player but they still wanna SS me so they can be framed for all I care.

DF hacking is really bad and I wouldn't do that.
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Old 10/21/2009, 13:48   #3
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i suppose its got worse since you had to pt for crevice lol 4 people
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Old 10/21/2009, 14:51   #4
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The same people who ruin the game are the same people who don't give a **** about threads like these, so basically what you just did right now is, you wrote down a thread dedicated to kiddish hackers which do NOT read threads on this forum, congratulations, you wasted your time, and I just wasted my time writing this post + reading the thread.
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Old 10/21/2009, 17:00   #5
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I see where your coming from(and agree),but DoubleD has a point.The people who do stuff like you described are usually the ones who spam their hacks are broken everytime theres a patch that changes the offsets,and probably wont even think about coming to the forums until they need help with some complex problem like the one mentioned above .
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Old 10/21/2009, 17:19   #6
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yeah your probably right, haven't thought about that since they probably don't care about this forum either
but well you never know, I just hope I get to reach at least one person who thinks about this and decides to change his attitude since these are also the people who get hacks patched so we need to keep fixing new ones and I for one am tired of researching offsets each time it gets patched

eventually they will find a way to totally disable some hacks and we will have to find new hacks to make it possible to use it again

and for the people who chase you down while your hacking in public, this is understandable and I would feel bad if I get reported and banned but hey, thats the game we play and the risk we take by using the hacks

imo trying to frame other people so they get banned just to take revenge, while their actions are justified, is plain wrong

if you sign up for hacking you sign up for getting SSed and the risk to get banned
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Old 10/22/2009, 01:23   #7
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agreed, and hacking df is honestly the lowest of the low.
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