a massive hint in al of this is to look into reverse engineering. Just learning that would be a good start... and its where im starting.
Im a software developer and i develop al sort of applications for all needs in any situation.... if i were to create a bypass for one of these programs i would have to reverse engineer the executable to work out whats happening where and then stop what i want to stop and add what i want to add.
I would also look into what a crc check actually is... maybe after some time you will then be able to make a bypass and release for free if you want to
With regard to selling.... it is not wrong to sell hacks. If i created a program for a group of people it is not wrong for me to put a charge on the work that i have done. In essence.. if i created a bypass it is not wrong for me to sell my work. If i decided i would be nice enough to give it away for free that is my
choice.(tbh i proberly would give it for free)
In regards to the people that are selling hacks that are not theres, i agree with alot of you up to a point....they are wrong in a way. They should not be selling the hacks,,, just the knowlage. So if i knew that bypas 1.54 was working again... it is not wrong for me to charge you for that information(the same way an it technician could charge you for advice, charging for information).... im not selling the hack,,, thats already out there for free... im selling the knowlage you need to use them. You would then buy "not having to look for it yourself". This is called "Selling Information".
If you look at impulse... impulse is originally shared for free by kabflash. and will always be shared by me for free as i use it myself and i respect his decision to make it available free. However it is my choice to release this for free and i can choose to work for free or not.... ( i may not be able to directly sell his application but i could sell a fix)
Also... if i was to quit dekaron completely and if no1 could fix the kabbot fully...i would be able to fix it... but since there is no incentive for me to actually do so i wuld charge for the fix. And its not wrong to do so... if someone wanted me to fix it for them... pay me and i will. If you dont want to pay me to fix it.. learn how to yourself(this is what u would pay me to not have to do)..
I mean you wouldnt get a mechanic round to fix your car and then say... you should be fixing this for free.... it just doesnt work like that
People need to move away from nebular... Yes nebular did everythign for free... what a grand person.. but he didnt have to.... He had the CHOICE and decided to do it for free... so dont expect everything for free.... this world is not like that.
Personally i love releasing things for free... its a good feeling to help the comunity... but if you take away my choice... i wont enjoy it anymore.. it becomes somethign u guys say i HAVE to do when in real life... no i dont.
Long story short... People need to start thinking about software as a phisical item rather then a virtual program, dont shun people for selling hacks its there choice to sell what THEY have done or what THEY know...
however if they havent actually done anything... if they are just an anoying middleman... shun away xD
I hope this bring insight to how the computer industry actually works... and i hope one day us developers can actually sell a product without being hurled abuse at......