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Reversing - Unpacking

Discussion on Reversing - Unpacking within the Dekaron Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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Lightbulb Reversing - Unpacking Features

EXE/DLL unpacking services for all dekaron clients

I am capable of removing almost any executable protector/packer.
The unpacking fee is 50 €. Harder files might cost more.

Virtualized file extraction

I can extract "hidden" virtualized files inside EXE/DLL files.
It includes those CSV files everyone wants to hide inside their Dekaron.exe.
The extraction fee is 50 €.

If you want it as a bundle, it will be 80 €

Payment is accepted only by Paypal / Cryptocurrency / Gcash.

An example of a client I fully unpacked its virtual files can be found at:

lifs2000 is offline  

dekaron server tutorial, development service, extractor4everyclient, reverse engineering, unpacked dekaron

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