DBD Tools | DBD Tools Pro
Work only Epic Games, Microsoft Store
platform change in setting program Spoofer nickname (Only Epic Games)

Click apply and start the game.
After restarting the program, all settings are saved, you do not need to enter anything again.
StreamSnipe panel (Only in PRO version)

Click the Start button, then Start the game
We enter your data into the streamsnipe window
Click Start, you will see a message that you need to click Ready in the game and cancel the match search.
After that, click Start again and the search for matches will begin.
After the match with the player you need is found, you will hear an audio notification, and you will need to click Ready in the game.
You will be immediately connected to the desired match.
Demonstration of the work of a Streamsnipe on one of the dbd streamers -
Unlock all DLC, items, skins, etc
Skins and DLC are opened automatically.Skills and items are included by these checkboxes -

Click Start, then Start the game
And everything is ready.
You can also change the prestige to any (0-100).
There is also a function for splitting skins, with it you can split sets, for example like this.

Feedback and buy

.SxS my smallest kitty#9184 - discord