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CF West / 6 VIPS / Red Marshal 2 / Big inventory / Old AK Scope

Discussion on CF West / 6 VIPS / Red Marshal 2 / Big inventory / Old AK Scope within the CrossFire Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

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Post CF West / 6 VIPS / Red Marshal 2 / Big inventory / Old AK Scope

Hey elitepvpers,

Im selling very nice 6 VIPS account with 56,5mill of exp and Red marshal rank lvl 2.

It has pretty nicely loaded inventory with some rare Zp skins and it also has 100 coupons.
Account also has the old m4 and ak silver + old ak 47 scope

Only looking for serious buyers. We can use middleman from elitepvpers.

Check account on website:

Add me on discord: Shockzster#4582
SnoopDawg420 is offline  

cf account zu verkaufen, cf eu / cf na, selling !

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