Moin ich hab mir nen tradingbot erstellt. Acc 2 Jahre alt alles frei, Mobilscheiße 7tage gewartet usw...
Jetzt haben die Leute alle das Problem das folgende Meldung kommt
Looking For TradeBot 09/16/2013 - DarkOrbit - 11 Replies I am looking for a tradebot, free... It must be able to bid 10min before end and multiple hours non stop. Also, make it so that it will work on login too. Because my main is on armorgames and the password and username wont switch over...
tradebot? 06/07/2013 - DarkOrbit - 0 Replies -download-killahax99-tradebot-v3-21-update.html
This doesn't works: jpg
Szczegółowe informacje na temat wywoływania debugowania w trybie JIT (just in time)
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Tradebot 02/24/2013 - DarkOrbit - 5 Replies Hallo,
Gibt es noch einen Funktionierenden Tradebot? Free?
Tradebot 01/11/2013 - DarkOrbit - 8 Replies Does anyone know a working tradebot , i need it to be able to set time when to bid , what to bid on , how much to bid .
Hope its not a buggy and it works.
Tradebot 07/24/2012 - DarkOrbit - 6 Replies Gibt es derzeit einen aktuellen trade bot??