Searching smurf queue-partner from Bronze 1 to Silver 5 (20€) 10/30/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hey Guys, im Searching for a Duo Queue Partner ( Smurf ). I would pay 20 € for getting carried from bronze 1 (34lp) to Silver 5 (0lp). To proove your skills i would like to do 1 test ranked. The Money will be paid with Paysafe. Write your skype acc and the division of your main.
[Buying] searching for lvl 30 unranked/bronze/silver smurf account 04/20/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 13 Replies hi, im searchig for a cheap lvl 30 league of legends account. :)
my main account is platinum and i want to prove my skill on a new unranked / low elo acc account + i want to play new champs in ranked without losing lp on my "main" if i dont play that good ^_^
just contact me if u have what im searching for. :)
ofc i'd appreciate it if u'd give it to me for free ^^ but i'm also able to spend some monney for it!
[Selling] Smurf Accounts Silver IV, Silver I, cheap for Smurfing OriginalMail IN 01/11/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hi im Selling Own smurf accounts, one Silver IV second Silver I, perfect for smurfing no skins includes original mail, if you think im scammer because of 1 fake rating, check it and dont even add me or talk to me, before any add on skype leave comment here
and we use free MM so nobody will go first, i can go first only if you are trusted
price: Silver 4 account 10E Silver 1 account 15E
payment type: PayPal only no PSC
skype: talonducouteau10