Hello everyone,
I play counter strike with the use of the Super Simple Wallhack 7.0 for quite a while now, but recently it all got bad.
I mean my config file somehow changed and it took me quite some time to figure out how to fix it and I still didnt manage to fix it completly. The biggest problems are that sometimes, randomly, my character starts spinning around, as if i was pressing a left arrow to turn. Other than that I cannot switch my weapon from left to right hand, tried cl_lefthand 0 and cl_righthand 1, even in the config file that I edited there is no mention of cl_lefthand, but I even wrote myself cl_righthand 1, but it still puts the gun into my left hand.
Worst of all, my wallhack does not work any more, I noticed slight changes when it comes to my graphics, it got a little worse, and my wallhack just doesnt work, i run it before i run the game, then run the game, which after a few seconds is not responding, so I run the wallhack and the game again, then the game works, but the wallhack doesn't.
Can anyone help me figure this out?
Cheers str1d3r.