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script of automatic acceptance of trades

Discussion on script of automatic acceptance of trades within the Counter-Strike Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

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script of automatic acceptance of trades

Special for traders.

We sell auto-acceptance of the trade, it is made specially for traders. Since when new cases appear in the pub, or some new things, you do not always have time to take your trade from the bot. Since the bot sends this trade to everyone who has made a withdrawal request.

Autocontainment functions are:

1. Auto-acceptance of things from games like PUBG CS: GO DOTA2 H1Z1 RUST.
2. Accepting the trade until 2-3 seconds.
3. No mistakes in making a trade.

Advantages over other users:

1. You will be the first, whose trade will be accepted first.
2. Confirmation of the trades sent to you for confirmation.
3. You can output things from, or other platforms.

How does auto-acceptance work?

1. After the purchase, we throw the instruction on how to set the auto-acceptance.
2. For the full operation of the auto-acceptance of trades, you will need a Steam account.

What is the guarantee that we will not throw you?

1. The script that we will give you, it will be completely clean. All the data you enter in the configuration file remains only with you.
2. In case of installation problems, I am ready to help you to bring the script to full work.

The sale price is – 19.99$ in one hand.

Contacts for communication:

2. Skype – sashademf
Alexander_demix is offline  
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