- I sell my Smurf Silver Elite Master Account
- 40win
- 52 hours playtime
- Inventory has 5Cases and 3Crap skins
- I give not First we can look for a MM
- tell me your price best offer get it!
[Selling] LEM Account // Silver Elite Master Account 02/08/2015 - Counter-Strike Trading - 6 Replies Hello, I'm selling 2 accounts
First account : LEM, 10 wins, 12 hours, no cheats/trade/ow/competitive bans asking ~ 20$ PP
Second account : Silver Elite Master, 652 hours, no cheats/trade/ow/competitive bans
[S] Silver Account [B] Master Guardin Account 11/25/2014 - Counter-Strike Trading - 3 Replies Hallo ich suche einen Silber Account. / Hello i search a silver Account.
Ich biete/I give:
Counter Strike Account Legit erspielt
16 Wins
25˜ Stunden Spielzeit / hours playtime
selling master account (season 4 master, still master now) 11/15/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 3 Replies Selling Master account! You got the awesome border from Season 4 with rewards with 90% of all champs owned! 20k IP and tons of skins!
Every game you will be treated like a god. You better be decent if you plan to play on this account because if you own anyone, its because you're a master. Easy way to get out of EloHell without that costy boosting price and also you get that prestige of being Master!
Asking price: 700$!
Serious replies only. Only posting this once. To be honest, don't...
[Selling] Selling Silver 1 and Silver 2 Account on Ebay 07/30/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello ,
i selling my silver 1 and silver 2 Account on Ebay here the links ,
League of Legends EU West 96 Champs / 89 Skins / Silver 1 / Riot Skins # TOP | eBay
League of Legends EU West Silber 2 85 Champs 30 Skins 2200RP 10.000 IP | eBay
If you are interested offer there =)