What it does: It lets you change the opacity of wallhacks for games like css and tf2. So if you can't see through walls well enough or want walls to become more solid, you can change it in seconds using this program. Your wallhack change takes effect when you restart CSS or you can change your materials without restarting css by turning on sv_cheats 1 and do mat_reloadallmaterials. Only existing transparent materials will be changed to prevent making player models or the floor transparent.
Requirements: .NET framework 3.5, you probably have it already through windows update.
How to use it:
0. You can avoid steps 1-6, by just pressing open directory and pressing ok, all of your wallhacks in every game will be changed to the same transparency.
1. First change the opacity to one that you want and then press the open directory button.
2. Select the steamapps folder, it should already be selected after you pressed the open directory button
3. Select your steam id, then select your game
4. Select the abbreviated name of the game such as the cstrike folder
5. Select the materials folder
6. Press OK