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Grand Fantasia Online [Sanctum US] Account zu verkaufen

Discussion on Grand Fantasia Online [Sanctum US] Account zu verkaufen within the Consoles Trading forum part of the The Black Market category.

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Arrow Grand Fantasia Online [Sanctum US] Account zu verkaufen

I decided to sell my gaming laptop, so I will sell my Grand Fantasia online account too because I don't have any use for it anymore.

The account exists since 12 Juni 2012 and I spent hundreds of euros in it.

What is in the account [Sanctum US]?

-> 6 characters [91 Druid, 78 Necromancer (Lvl 100 reincarnated), 97 Archangel (reincarnated), 76 Mystic (reincarnated), 47 Sage, 74 Mystic)
-> 78 Necro: hasn't used the "Stone of Ascension" (Level 100) yet; has a Sprite with 96er Staff (Bench is in the Archive to upgrade it to 100); has Hunting, Forage, Mining farming Sprites on Lvl 100; 630 MS points to spent left
-> Sets: Taro Demon +18 and some enchanted VFS stones inside, Taro Hermit, Necro 75er Sprite Set +15, different purple Chest/Leg pieces (a lot of them +15)
-> 3 Taro rings
-> Level 100 Equipment: AA/Druid Relic (Y), 1H Hammer (Y/P), Staff (Y)
-> Level 95 Equipment: Shield (Y), Staff (Y)
-> Archive 3k+: quite a few Costumes, Mounts, Thrones, Nucleus (including Blooming Bird in VIT, INT and STR), etc. (some aren't even bound yet); also different yellow/purple weapons/armor, some more Taro stuff
-> 2x VFS OP Stones for Magic Classes not used yet, so you can put them wherever you want
-> Fortified Mats, to upgrade stuff and some things even to +20!
-> most equipment on this account is already fortified to +15/+18/+20
-> 80 Y Mystic EQ + 79 P Chest with some vfs stones in it | 75 P/Y 1H Hammers + 80 Y Relic | perfect equipment to farm in Lvl 80 pvp as mystic
-> acc is perfect if you plan on having a Lvl 100 maxed out Druid (all equipment already there except pvp set depending on the char, also most mats there for red chest)
-> also good acc to have a 100 AA with best gear (except pvp set)
-> all important Nucleus in all variants except a purple agi and wil
-> Druid, Necromancer and Archangel have quite a few Ultimate Crystals

-> You will also get my bank account with some bufffood, consumables, soul orbs, tp stones, skb, skp and more!

I would like to get around 200€ but we can talk about it; payment will be via Paypal F/F.

Write me here or on discord: Shii#0708

You have still questions? Feel free to message me!
TomokoSenpai is offline  

account, gfo, grand fantasia, paypal

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