Female Trojan Armor Black and Red 07/07/2010 - CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 4 Replies Black and Red female trojan armor. Must have BlackTulip dyed armor :(
http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac88/whitetie5 7/Conquer/FRedBlackTroArmor2.jpg
http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac88/whitetie5 7/Conquer/FRedBlackTroArmor3.jpg
http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac88/whitetie5 7/Conquer/FRedBlackTroArmor4.jpg
http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac88/whitetie5 7/Conquer/FRedBlackTroArmor1.jpg
REQUEST 110 ARMOR LOOKS LIKE 120 ARMOR (Trojan Black SIZE:BIG) 07/06/2008 - Conquer Online 2 - 0 Replies the title already say everything can someone make my lvl 110 black armor looks like a 120 armor (the 120 armor doesnt matters what collor but not purple or blue ^^ )
Character info:
Size: big
Class: trojan
Lvl: 110
Lvl armor now: 110
Need lvl armor: 120
collor armor now: black
110 Black trojan armor Edit\mod 1st edit i made !! 03/14/2008 - CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 5 Replies Okay.
im just new @ editing
and ppl like Dejavu devilsmum and the whole
did inspirate me very very much:D
but all i did find was 120+ weps edits and armors :(
and im a 110 tro:cool:
so ...
i made a ghost like edit for a tro armor
lvl 120 black trojan armor edit-Halo Skin 06/12/2007 - CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 5 Replies http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q35/sport1313/u ntitled8765.jpg
^ Put this file in Co2Folder>C3>Texture and overwrite the old file.
For it to look right you must be bald it will still turn out ok if u have hair but just looks a little different.
If any1 wants it for any other colors notify me and ill make it for all colors....
any1 have any request for any edits ill be right on top of it.... right now im working on edits for girls as requested ;)