I was wondering if any1 is working on a auto miner that u can run like 4 clients and it will drop ores on each client. Instead of just being able to open one, There was one like this but it was patched.
[ReQuestion] client stop and 69%.... 10/08/2009 - Dekaron Private Server - 5 Replies May i ask some questions. I have a little problem. These two files, skillname.csv and skill desc.csv, in the string folder, makes the client stop and 69%, when the index number is over 255.
Do i have to fix the dekaron.exe file in the bin folder? or is there another way to figure this out?
plz help. I really need some exact answers.
is this the right to change the line doing?
Zombe - (255 = FFh so you have to edit dekaron.exe to change the WORD (FFh) into DWORD (FFFFh),
or in other...
Auto Minner 01/02/2008 - Conquer Online 2 - 9 Replies I am trying to find a good Auto Miner that drops ores, auto log out, log out when get attacked, etc.
I already searched all Conquer Forums only the once that are post are from 2005-2006 and the downloads don't work anymore. Anyone has a good Miner for me?
minner bot auto discconect when red/blue/black see 04/05/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 12 Replies some1 told me there is a bot that will discconect my minner when in screen comes a pker blue/red/black name can someone tell me where to get that bot