I know there is a way to wear 2 weapons on a warrior, But i was wondering if there was a way I can put on a 120 tro armor on my warrior who I'm about to RB.
Lvl 120 Warrior armor on a Trojan 03/06/2010 - Conquer Online 2 - 3 Replies Alright so maybe this may seem kinda retarded,but I've always wanted to use lvl 120 warrior armor with a trojan. Just seems really cool.
Since I have remote repair (VIP) and all that,think it'll work if I don't take it off?
Chrome lvl 70 warrior armor 12/22/2009 - CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 4 Replies Enjoy! my 3rd simple edit, still new to Ps. :D
RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
(Replaces BLACK armor only)
ultimate warrior armor 12/13/2007 - CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 3 Replies can anyone make a special armor for a warrior lvl 110
it should be nice if its black red green
-maybe a bit scary
-or funny
-or what u like the most ffor it
(sry for bad english if i made faults :p)
WARRIOR ARMOR lvl 120 DDS Nummer? 09/12/2005 - Conquer Online 2 - 12 Replies Kann mir mal bitte einer Sagen welche nummer die dds Datein von der WARRIOR ARMOR lvl 120 sind.
Danke in voraus