S> or T> a 128troj with gears!!! eagle 10/31/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 3 Replies i have a troj that is not rb but has very bad ass gears that are listed below
super +4 ears 1soc with a sdg hp22
super + 4 necky 1soc with a sdg hp38
super +5 ring 1soc with a sdg hp89 (attack ring)
super +5 troj amor 1soc with a sdg hp55
super +5 boots 1soc with a sdg hp71
super +4 club 2soc with 2sgs -1damage hp129
super +4 blade 2soc with 2sdgs hp47
Eagle Server Accounts 07/27/2008 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 4 Replies I dont know what im doing yet.. But some offers might help me figure that out
Accounts- Eagle Server
Class: Fire Tao
Level 121-90 Fire-Fire reborn
Equips: Super +3 1 soc RPG cap,Super +4 1 soc RPG bag,Super +4 1 Soc SPG brace, Super +4 2 soc SPG,SPG MANA BS,Super +4 1 soc SPG tao gown,Super +5 1 soc SDG boots (yea i know SDG)
Skills: Everything was fixed b4 reborn except FireMet and the new skill of DODGE!
Full info