As the title says this is all what i have on sale selling all my items cuz of quiting the game so prices will be kinda good
+12 -7 no perm troj coronet lvl 140
+12 -7 p7 perm bag lvl 137 (replacment for necky)
+12 -7 p4 perm posion cross saber lvl 140
+12 -7 p7 perm troj armor lvl 140
+12 -7 no perm cross saber lvl 140
+8 -7 p3 perm boots lvl 129
+12 -7 no perm heavy ring lvl 137
86.000 cps if u buy 2 items i cover the transfer if u buy more then 200 dbs i cover the transfer as well accepting pay pal or western union right now items are on fire server u can add me at skype gv_petreski skype name is Chris