WTS/WTT 6 accounts on Titan Server 09/02/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 37 Replies Name says 6 but i sold 5.
1. Farmer lvl 26 1,931,018 sp
Name: GoEasyMan
Stats: None added
Skills:lvl 10 Cleric
Silk Items: Pirate Dress,Prem,Sp ticket 9 days left (End sept 3)
ImageShack Album - 5 images
Only Comes with 5M Gold
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S > Some Titan accounts and gold (waiting on new server) 03/29/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 10 Replies Selling accounts:
lvl 95 FF to 105 warr/cleric + DS
lvl 90 FF wiz/cleric + pickup pet (18 days) +16 silk left
lv 100 FF S/S 100 bicheon/100light/100ice
lv 80 chinese clean stats / skills (has 3.5m sp)
each char comes with 100m gold
purchasing more gold will be available.
WTB HIGH LEVEL CHAR IN TITAN 10/08/2009 - Silkroad Online Trading - 2 Replies I want to buy a high level character (75+) in Titan. Give me offers for anything, I'm not too fussed.
Kaufe Server 1-3 High-Level-Accounts 04/17/2009 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Hi,
ich suche auf Server 1-3 High-Level-Accounts. Die Vorgaben müssen erfüllt sein:
Mindestlevel: 60
Equip muss vorhanden sein!
Was kann ich anbieten?:
Trading Silkroad Accounts For Runescape Accounts high Lvls 02/13/2009 - Runescape Trading - 2 Replies Who wana to play silkroad iam trading my silkroad accounts for runescape accounts
i have lv 70 and 74 and 78 and 82 and 87 all in many servers
just add me and i give you more info and pics for accounts
[email protected]
need RS account Pures Only i got one cb 86 but not pure
dont send to me private message !!
good luck (no nooobs no scamm )