t> 128 2nd rb troj full gear for rs acc full infos
title says it all, has uni +3 blk rdg arm, super +4 sdg sdg club, super +4 rdg rdg sword, rest eli +3 and +4 full infos, looking for a 105+ rs char with good items add my msn to talk with me
WTS: ASSASSIN L50 FULL AP GEAR L 40 SET + FULL AP ACCESSORIES : EU SERVERS 08/17/2010 - Aion Trading - 2 Replies Elyos Account
There is a paralyse Godstone in the OH weapon
http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3985/94173007. th.jpg
In the warehouse there are many things to sell and a couple of millions kinah
Acct has 9 months worth of in-game rewards (free crowns every month), and other prizes.
There are 3/5 miragent pieces, lot of consumables and gatherables.