WTT Guild Wars Account for WoW Account, Last Chaos Account, or Rappelz Account 07/03/2014 - Last Chaos Trading - 4 Replies Well pretty much I remembered I had a guild wars account that I haven't used in 2 years.
It's been a while so I really dont remember what this stuff is called =P
The account has:
Level 20 Warrior/Ranger
He has Razorstone axe
The Gladiator armor all dyed gold don't know what it's called though
Purple Eternal Shield
7k gold
[S]Ets2 Steam Key [B]E*g 04/01/2013 - elite*gold Trading - 8 Replies Ja oben steht alles
Suche nen Euro Truck Simulator 2 Key und zwar einen nagelneuen
Nicht die die im Inet rumschwirren die nicht funktionieren !