Note: if you cannot find part of what I have you search for, you are probably using a suckier and much more out-of-date source... or you are using a newer "better" source like Future\Reloaded.. My original source was ShadowCo, though it is much more updated now, and I suggest starting with this. It is very stable, and once you get used to it, easy to navigate.
First go into your Entities.cs file and find
public void TimerElapsed(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) {
if (Target != null) Move();
Here in this release\guide I would like to note: this is not the best way to do this, I split it up and made it longer and less efficient to make it simpler for idiots to do. Now we continue:
replace the afformentioned code with:
if (Target != null) { Move(); } else if (MType == 1) { Tgt = Other.MobNearest((uint)PosX, (uint)PosY, (uint)Map); if (Tgt != null && Tgt.Alive == true && Tgt.MType != 1 && MyMath.PointDistance(PosX, PosY, Tgt.PosX, Tgt.PosY) <= 10) Move2(); }
public class SingleMob { public short PosX; public short PosY;
Character Target = null;
Character Target = null; SingleMob Tgt = null;
and add this function
public void Move2() { LastMove = DateTime.Now; int DMG = General.Rand.Next(Convert.ToInt32(MinAtk), Convert.ToInt32(MaxAtk)); if (DMG < 1) DMG = 1; DMG *= 5; Tgt.GetDamage((uint)DMG); foreach (DictionaryEntry DE in World.AllChars) { Character Charr = (Character)DE.Value; if (Charr.MyClient.Online) if (MyMath.CanSeeBig(PosX, PosY, Charr.LocX, Charr.LocY)) { Charr.MyClient.SendPacket(General.MyPackets.MobSkillUse2(this, Tgt, (uint)DMG, 1320, 2)); } } Tgt = null; }
Next, go to Packets.cs and find
public byte[] MobSkillUse(SingleMob Mob, Character Attacked, uint DMG, ushort SkillId, byte SkillLevel) {
public byte[] MobSkillUse2(SingleMob Mob, SingleMob Attacked, uint DMG, ushort SkillId, byte SkillLevel) { ushort PacketType = 1105; byte[] Packet = new byte[32]; fixed (byte* p = Packet) { *((ushort*)p) = (ushort)Packet.Length; *((ushort*)(p + 2)) = (ushort)PacketType; *((uint*)(p + 4)) = (uint)Mob.UID; *((ushort*)(p + 8)) = (ushort)Attacked.PosX; *((ushort*)(p + 10)) = (ushort)Attacked.PosY; *((ushort*)(p + 12)) = (ushort)SkillId; *((ushort*)(p + 14)) = (ushort)SkillLevel; *(p + 16) = 1; *((uint*)(p + 20)) = (uint)Attacked.UID; *((uint*)(p + 24)) = (uint)DMG; } return Packet; }
public static Character CharNearest(uint X, uint Y, uint Map, bool Blue) {
public static SingleMob MobNearest(uint X, uint Y, uint Map) { try { int ShortestDist = 30; SingleMob NearestMob = null; foreach (DictionaryEntry DE in Mobs.AllMobs) { SingleMob MOB = (SingleMob)DE.Value; if (MyMath.PointDistance(X, Y, MOB.PosX, MOB.PosY) < ShortestDist && MOB.MType != 1 && MOB.Alive && MOB.Map == Map) { NearestMob = MOB; ShortestDist = MyMath.PointDistance(X, Y, MOB.PosX, MOB.PosY); } } return NearestMob; } catch (Exception Exc) { General.WriteLine(Exc.ToString()); return null; } }
And that's it! Recompile and restart your server and attract some Mobs to your gaurd!
optional: if you add a value to SingleMob.GetDamage() for enabling\disabling drops you can make guard-killed Mobs not drop items.
at the end of your public bool GetDamage(uint Damage) { block for your single mobs you may want to change
return true;
this.Death = DateTime.Now; World.MobDissappear(this); return true;