Hi guys, month pleased to announce the early arrival of my server in the light of the WEB ... Promises will be a different server to the other, in relation to the graphical interface will be very different, and decided to create a mythological server interface, and the Mythological say is not only the name, I'm currently working on a skin for my server, beast mythological in the interface, even the skin is not finished, but'm working on, I'll be working all these days ...
Date to be Online: 01/01/2010 Vertion: 5165 Languaje: 100% English (but player can speak other languaje) Rules: Who need rules? Enjoy is the rules!!
Note:When I finish the Web I will be advertise here in this forum The web Link. Sorry if this post has grammatical errors, do not write English very well, but I think that's understandable.
Interface looks nice but am I the only person who see's the irony in both the advertisement being in horrible english and yet claiming the server is 100% english... and the fact that the main/only intensive to join the server is for a nicely edited client that, the second you release, can and most likely will be used by 100 other copy/paste servers out there?
Not saying your server might not be decent but just seems to me you might wanna focus on making yourself more unique via special features and functionality.
Interface looks nice but am I the only person who see's the irony in both the advertisement being in horrible english and yet claiming the server is 100% english... and the fact that the main/only intensive to join the server is for a nicely edited client that, the second you release, can and most likely will be used by 100 other copy/paste servers out there?
Not saying your server might not be decent but just seems to me you might wanna focus on making yourself more unique via special features and functionality.
umm, sorry I was said that, because, above I make a Server, English and Spanish, and now I am not making and spanish Server, and sorry for my bad english, I am not good because I am from Venezuela, and I dont have good teacher of english, and sure, I want to make unique and special features, but I am realistic, I am not a master in C#, I am only getting help of a lots of people, reading a lots of forum, and searching good codec for put this in my server...
If you have any suggestions for me, I really appreciate this, I want to do something well, but I think it's best to hear opinions of others
How do you code a server if you do not master the English language? o.o
I can, for coding you dont need know all about english, I can understand some thing, not all, I know, English is a langua spoken for a lots of country, but I know a lots of good coders from Venezuela (my country) who know a lots of C#, java, Pascal and other languajes, and my english is better than they...
Quite the opposite, really. If you do not speak fluent english you will never get good at coding. Understanding the actual words, statements, and so on is a major part of the learning process.
FtH User Interface (Complete Interface) 09/05/2006 - World of Warcraft - 10 Replies Hallo ,
ich will euch das wohl beste Interface nicht vorenthalten. For the Horde hat mit seiner ersten Version seines eigenen Interfaces schon gute arbeit geleistet. Aber das naja nich mehr ganz aktuele ist noch besser.
http://web4.h60972.serverkompetenz.net/for...p?th readid=3465 <- DL Link.
Dort gibt es aber auch den kompletten Guide zu dem Interface.
Achja FTH benutzt X-Raid , nicht jedem seine Sache. Das Interface ist aber auch mit CT_RAID kompatibel.
Geniales neues Wow-Interface - new WoW-Interface 11/04/2005 - World of Warcraft - 20 Replies Schaut dann so aus - looks like :
Download UI
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